Under seminaret i regi av NEDS (Nordic Eating Disorder Society) i Finland 2016 ble NIG (nordisk interesse gruppe) for fysisk aktivitet stiftet, og ledes av Dr. Solfrid Bratland-Sanda. Nå inviteres det til webinar i desember!
Det er ønske om årlig aktivitet i interessegruppen, men det byr på utfordringer mht det nordiske samarbeidet og avstander. Interessegruppens møter ønskes derfor normalt avholdt i forbindelse med NEDS seminarene, men ettersom dette kun avholdes annethvert år, forsøkes det nå å arrangeres et webinar som et faglig samlingspunkt for interessegruppen.
Dato for frokost webinaret: 18. desember 2017
Tid: kl 08.30-10.00 (norsk tid)
Tittel: «How can health and fitness professionals and clinicians working with ED, collaborate»
Bidragsytere: Therese F Mathisen, dietitian, exercise physiologist and PhD student at Norwegian school of sport sciences will talk about fitness athletes and how to work with such populations. Solfrid Bratland-Sanda, PhD, exercise physiologist and associate professor at University College of South-East Norway, will talk about possible collaborations between public, private and commercial training institutions and ED professionals_
Interaksjon: There will be a chat service, and the last 30 minutes will be open for questions and comments from the webinar participants.
Webinaret holdes på platform Omnijoin:
- Engelsk:http://www.brothercloud.com/OmniJoin/ContactUs.aspxr=Contact%20Sales&Redir=Conf
- Norsk: https://www.usn.no/om-hsn/e-laring-og-nettstudier/opplaring-og-stotte/omnijoin/omnijoin-for-hsn-article194518-29030.html)
NB! Please check if your work place supports the use of Omnijoin. Some hospitals, at least in Norway, may not support this due to very strict fire wall conditions. Omnijoin is a web-tool we use at universities to e-learning, and it is safe to use. If the fire walls at your work place do not support Omnijoin, you can easily follow the webinar from another private or public networks.
To attend the webinar, please register on this link (https://response.questback.com/hsntelemark/magxnyagwg)