Vi har akkurat lagt bak oss et utfordrende år, der samfunnsrestriksjoner og hjemmekontor har preget hverdagen de til fleste av oss. Vi i NSFSF er dog glade for å ha gjennomført et flott webinar om spiseforstyrrelser i idretten, og håper deltagerne fikk god innsikt i både risikofaktorer og effektive tiltak.
Vi ønsker å få på plass et webinar til nå i løpet av våren, og vil annonsere dette via våre sosiale medier og via direkte mail til våre registrerte medlemmer. Innen dette er på plass, ønsker jeg her å viderebringe en hilsen fra lederen i det nordiske selskapsstyret for spiseforstyrrelser, Rasmus Isomaa:

Dear colleagues, mark your calendars

The holidays are over, and we are looking forward to a exiting new year. This is my first letter in 2022, and it will not be the last.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging in so many ways. Our field has faced new challenges in both service delivery and also rising numbers of young people with eating disorders. It is time we met and discussed our experiences. I have some good news and some not so good. The not so good news is that the pandemic is not over, and it is not possible to estimate when it will be.
The good news is that we will meet in Oslo on September 7-9, 2022. Mark your calendars!

The abstract submission system is re-opened and you can submit your abstract for papers presentations, posters, and workshop on Exordo: The deadline for abstract submissions is April 1st.
Our invited keynote speakers have shown tremendous patience and are still willing to present their ideas and work at the conference. Please check the conference website for keynote speakers, preliminary program, updates, deadlines and other useful information.

Stay safe and take care of each other! We look forward to seeing you all in Oslo in September.





Rasmus Isomaa, chairman of the Nordic Eating Disorder Society