Det nordiske samarbeidet, NEDS, arrangerer webinar èn gang i halvåret. Denne høsten arrangerer Sverige webinar om interpersonlig psykoterapi (IPT) for spiseforstyrrelser.

NEDS webinar: IPT for eating disorders

On October 25th, 13-16 PM (CEST), the Swedish Eating Disorder Society (SEDS) invites all members of the Nordic Eating Disorder Societies to a webinar about Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT). The webinar is free of charge.

IPT is a evidence based therapy that has shown similar effects as CBT for patients with eating disorders – especially Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. The evidence base is rather small, and we lack large-scale RCTs with a long follow-up, in order to improve the understanding of how IPT works in the treatment of ED. IPT is a cost-effective treatment that can be a valuable alternative for many patients.

Several international guidelines recommend IPT as an alternative to CBT for patients where binge eating is part of the clinical picture. In the Nordic countries there are few therapists that are trained in IPT, and only few clinics offer IPT. We believe that a broader implementation of IPT in the Nordic counties would add to a more patient centered clinical practice where it would be possible to choose between several evidence-based treatments.

Against this background we invite you to a seminar held by Sanna Aila Gustafsson, who is a licensed psychotherapist, researcher, and IPT-therapist in Sweden. She will give a brief introduction to IPT in the ED field and cover topics as: what is the working mechanism of change in IPT, when can IPT be an alternative to CBT, a new transdiagnostic ED-manual for IPT, IPT in a group setting and what is the evidence base for IPT in the ED field?

Register HERE to participate on this online meeting.